Enter coordinates 34.7616° N 125.9288° E into your map search - You will find Bigeumdo, a very small island in Korea known as the island of salt.
South Korea is a peninsula surrounded by the deep and heavy waters of the East Sea, the warm South Sea, and the vast bays of the West Sea. Of these, the West Sea has ideal conditions for salt farming, with salt fields of world-class scale. Among them, Bigeumdo, known as the island of salt, is where Korea's first solar salt fields began. Located in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, it is one of the most pristine and clean salt field areas. With its endless tidal mudflats, wind, and ample sunlight, it is primed for producing high-quality, clean sea salt rich in minerals and nutrients.
Not all salts are the same. ReSaltZ focuses on the skin-nourishing properties and beauty minerals preserved in the high-quality salt from Bigeumdo. This mineral salt, formed through the unique weather changes of the region, contains lower levels of sodium chloride but is rich in mineral content, helping to balance the skin's moisture level through osmotic action.
ReSaltZ aims to modernize the use of salt, which has been widely utilized throughout human history for health, skincare, and beauty purposes. Drawing from the Dongeui Bogam, Korea's renowned traditional medicine text, using salt for body scrubbing and salt baths can naturally inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria, detoxify the skin, and provide antiseptic effects, thereby aiding in inflammation and itching relief.
ReSaltZ exclusively uses salt from Bigeumdo and aims to deliver the health benefits of this valuable resource to consumers worldwide. To ReSaltZ, the salt from Bigeumdo represents more than just beauty enhancement for cosmetic purposes; it symbolizes a pursuit of bodily health, mental well-being, and balanced living.